Clifford D. Simak

Clifford D. Simak war ein hoch angesehener Science-Fiction-Autor, der für seine produktive Schreibweise und zahlreiche Auszeichnungen während seiner Karriere bekannt ist. Er wurde 1904 auf einem Bauernhof in südwestlichen Wisconsin geboren und begann seine Laufbahn als Journalist. Simak arbeitete zunächst bei einer Kleinstadt-Zeitung und wurde schließlich zum Nachrichtenchef des Minneapolis Star-Tribune, wo er in seiner Frezeit Fiktion schrieb.

Die Schriften Simaks brachten ihm viele Ehrungen in der Science-Fiction-Gemeinde ein. Er wurde mit drei Hugo-Awards, einem Nebula-Award und war 1977 der dritte Grand Master by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) ausgezeichnet. Darüber hinaus erhielt Simak den Bram Stoker Award für sein Lebenswerk von der Horror Writers Association. Seine Arbeit wurde nicht nur von Fans, sondern auch von Kollegen anerkannt, die ihn in Ehren hielten.

Die Schreibweise Simaks war für ihre einzigartige und einfallsreiche Erzählweise bekannt. Sein Buch "City", das 1952 veröffentlicht wurde, ist eines seiner bekanntesten Werke. Der Roman, der die Idee einer postapokalyptischen Welt erkundet, gewann den International Fantasy Award im Jahr 1953. Simaks weitere bemerkenswerte Werke umfassen "Way Station", das 1963 veröffentlicht wurde und 1964 einen Hugo Award gewann. Seine Schriften haben einen nachhaltigen Einfluss auf das Science-Fiction-Genre und werden auch heute noch gefeiert.
# Titel Jahr
1 Empire 1932
2 Cosmic Engineers 1950
3 Time and Again / First He Died 1950
4 Ring Around the Sun 1952
5 Time is the Simplest Thing / The Fisherman 1961
6 Trouble with Tycho 1961
7 They Walked Like Men 1962
8 Way Station / Here Gather the Stars 1963
9 All Flesh Is Grass 1965
10 The Werewolf Principle 1967
11 Why Call Them Back From Heaven? 1967
12 So Bright the Vision 1968
13 The Goblin Reservation 1968
14 Out of Their Minds 1970
15 Prehistoric Man 1971
16 Destiny Doll 1972
17 A Choice of Gods 1972
18 Cemetery World 1972
19 Waystation 1973
20 Our Children's Children 1974
21 Enchanted Pilgrimage 1975
22 Shakespeare's Planet 1976
23 A Heritage of Stars 1977
24 The Fellowship of the Talisman 1978
25 Mastodonia / Catface 1978
26 The Visitors 1980
27 Project Pope 1981
28 Where the Evil Dwells 1982
29 Special Deliverance 1982
30 Highway of Eternity 1986
31 Time Quarry 2014
The Complete Short Fiction Of Clifford D. Simak Books
# Titel Jahr
1 I Am Crying All Inside and Other Stories 2015
2 The Big Front Yard and Other Stories 2015
3 The Ghost of a Model T and Other Stories 2015
4 No Life of Their Own and Other Stories 2016
5 Grotto of the Dancing Deer and Other Stories 2016
6 New Folks' Home and Other Stories 2016
7 A Death in the House and Other Stories 2016
8 Good Night, Mr. James and Other Stories 2016
9 Earth for Inspiration and Other Stories 2016
10 The Shipshape Miracle and Other Stories 2017
11 Dusty Zebra and Other Stories 2017
12 The Thing in the Stone and Other Stories 2017
# Titel Jahr
1 Hellhounds of the Cosmos 1932
2 The Street That Wasn't There 1941
3 Mr. Meek Plays Polo 1944
4 Project Mastodon 1955
5 The World That Couldn't Be 1958
6 Eternity Lost 2004
7 Spacebred Generations 2009
8 Second Childhood 2016
# Titel Jahr
1 Madness From Mars and Other Short Stories 0
2 City 1952
3 The Worlds of Clifford Simak 1954
4 Strangers in the Universe 1956
5 The Night of the Puudly 1960
6 Other Worlds of Clifford Simak 1962
7 All the Traps of Earth and Other Stories 1962
8 Aliens for Neighbours 1963
9 All the Traps of Earth 1963
10 Worlds Without End 1964
11 Best Science Fiction Stories of Clifford D. Simak 1965
12 Over the River and Through the Woods 1965
13 Skirmish 1977
14 The Marathon Photograph and Other Stories 1986
15 Off-Planet 1988
16 Brother and Other Stories 1988
17 The Autumn Land and Other Stories 1990
18 Immigrant and Other Stories 1991
19 The Creator and Other Stories 1994
20 The Civilisation Game and Other Stories 1997
21 Hellhounds of the Cosmos and Other Tales from the Fourth Dimension 2011
# Titel Jahr
1 The March of Science 1971
The Pulp Writers Books (with Poul Anderson, with Andre Norton, with Alan E. Nourse, with Philip K. Dick, with Mack Reynolds, with Raymond Z. Gallun, with August Derleth, with Hal K. Wells, with Sewell Peaslee Wright, with Arthur Dekker Savage)
# Titel Jahr
1 Anthology of Sci-Fi V1 2013
2 Anthology of Sci-Fi, the Pulp Writers V1 2013
3 Anthology of Sci-Fi V2 2013
4 Anthology of Sci-Fi V3 2013
5 Anthology of Sci-Fi V4 2013
6 Anthology of Sci-Fi V5 2013
7 Anthology of Sci-Fi V6 2013
8 Anthology of Sci-Fi V7 2013
9 Anthology of Sci-Fi V5, the Pulp Writers - Alan E. Nourse 2013
10 Anthology of Sci-Fi V8 2013
11 Anthology of Sci-Fi V9 2013
12 Anthology of Sci-Fi V10 2013
13 Anthology of Sci-Fi V11 2013
14 Anthology of Sci-Fi V12 2013
15 Anthology of Sci-Fi V13 2013
16 Anthology of Sci-Fi V15 2013
17 Anthology of Sci-Fi V17 2013
18 Anthology of Sci-Fi V18 2013
19 Anthology of Sci-Fi V19 2013
20 Anthology of Sci-Fi V20 2013
21 Anthology of Sci-Fi V22 2013
22 Anthology of Sci-Fi V24 2013
Stellar Books
# Titel Jahr
1 Stellar Short Novels 1976
2 Stellar #2 1976
3 Stellar #3 1977
4 Stellar #4 1978
5 Stellar #5 1980
6 Stellar #6 1980
7 Stellar #7 1981
The Golden Age of Science Fiction Books
# Titel Jahr
1 The Golden Age of Science Fiction - Volume VI 2016
2 The Golden Age of Science Fiction - Volume IV 2018
3 The Golden Age of Science Fiction - Volume X 2018
Clifford D. Simak Anthologies
# Titel Jahr
1 Astounding Science Fiction, October 1958 1958
2 Mind Partner and 8 Other Novelets from Galaxy 1961
3 Novelets of Science Fiction 1963
4 Alien Worlds 1964
5 The Microcosmic God 1965
6 Tomorrow 1 | Science Fiction by the Masters 1971
7 Nebula Award 6 1972
8 The Astounding-Analog Reader, Book Two 1973
9 The Devil's Generation 1973
10 Frontiers 1: Tomorrow's Alternatives 1973
11 The John W. Campbell Memorial Anthology / Astounding 1973
12 Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow... 1974
13 Decade: The 1940's 1975
14 Stellar #2 1976
15 Aliens: 3 Novellas 1977
16 Stellar #3 1977
17 Perilous Planets 1978
18 Rod Serling's Other Worlds 1978
19 The Best of Astounding 1979
20 Analog Science Fiction, November 1979 1979
21 Laughing Space: An Anthology of Science Fiction Humor 1982
22 The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories 1992
23 The SFWA Grand Masters 1 1999
24 The Mammoth Book Of Science Fiction 2002
25 The Mammoth Book of Extreme Science Fiction 2006
26 More Fantastic Stories 2009
27 The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction 2010
28 Startling Stories #3 2010
29 Science Fiction Gems, Vol. One 2011
30 Anthology of Sci-Fi V21, the Pulp Writers 2013
31 The Best of Galaxy, Volume Two 2016
32 Science Fiction Gems, Volume Twelve 2016
33 The Driftless Reader 2017
34 The Golden Age of Science Fiction - Volume XV 2018
35 The Golden Age of Science Fiction - Volume X 2018
36 Thrilling Wonder Stories - December 1938 2018
37 Space Pioneers 2018
38 Born of the Sun: Adventures in Our Solar System 2020
39 Nature's Warnings: Classic Stories of Eco-Science Fiction 2020
40 Comet: Stories of Super Time and Space 2021