E.C.R. Lorac

Edith Caroline Rivett, die unter den Pseudonymen E.C.R. Lorac, Carol Carnac, Carol Rivett und Mary le Bourne schrieb, war eine britische Krimiautorin während des goldenen Zeitalters der Detektivliteratur. Sie wurde in Hendon, Middlesex, dem heutigen London, geboren und besuchte die South Hampstead High School und die Central School of Arts and Crafts in London. Rivett war Mitglied des Detection Club, einer informellen Gruppe britischer Krimischriftsteller, zu der Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers und G.K. Chesterton gehörten.

Besonders bekannt ist E.C.R. Lorac für die Chief Inspector Robert Macdonald-Serie. Ihre schriftstellerische Laufbahn war ausgesprochen produktiv, mit vierundvierzig Krimis unter dem Lorac-Pseudonym und weitere 23 unter dem Carnac-Namen. Ihre Werke wurden in England veröffentlicht und waren bei Krimi- und Mysteryfans sehr beliebt. Loracs Schreibstil ist für seine subtile Erzählweise, lebendige Settings und komplexe Charaktere bekannt, was sie zu einer bedeutenden Figur im Goldenen Zeitalter der Detektivliteratur macht.

Neben ihrer Arbeit als E.C.R. Lorac und Carol Carnac veröffentlichte Rivett auch Romane unter den Namen Carol Rivett und Mary le Bourne. Diese Werke umfassen eine Vielzahl von Genres, von Krimis und Mystery-Geschichten bis hin zu allgemeinerer Fiktion. Trotz der Verwendung mehrerer Pseudonyme ist Rivetts einzigartiger Schreibstil und ihr scharfer Blick für Details in ihrem Gesamtwerk offensichtlich. Ihre Beiträge zur Welt der Kriminalliteratur und Detektivgeschichten haben einen nachhaltigen Einfluss auf das Genre hinterlassen und werden von Lesern heute noch genossen.
Inspector Ryvet Books (as Carol Carnac)
# Titel Jahr
1 Triple Death 1936
2 The Missing Rope 1937
3 Murder at Mornington 1937
4 The Case of the First-Class Carriage 1939
5 When the Devil Was Sick 1939
6 Death in the Diving Pool 1940
Julian Rivers Books (as Carol Carnac)
# Titel Jahr
1 A Double for Detection 1945
2 The Striped Suitcase 1946
3 Clue Sinister 1947
4 Over the Garden Wall 1948
5 Copy for Crime 1950
6 Upstairs, downstairs 1950
7 It\'s Her Own Funeral 1951
8 Crossed Skis 1952
9 Murder As a Fine Art 1953
10 A Policeman At the Door 1953
11 Impact of Evidence 1954
12 Murder Among Members 1955
13 Rigging the Evidence 1955
14 The Double Turn 1956
15 Long Shadows 1958
Robert MacDonald Books
# Titel Jahr
1 The Murder on the Burrows 1931
2 The Affair on Thor's Head 1932
3 The Greenwell Mystery 1932
4 Death On The Oxford Road 1933
5 The Case of Colonel Marchand 1933
6 Murder in St. John's Wood 1934
7 Murder in Chelsea 1934
8 The Organ Speaks 1935
9 Post After Post-Mortem 1936
10 A Pall for a Painter 1936
11 Crime Counter Crime 1936
12 These Names Make Clues 1937
13 Bats in the Belfry 1937
14 Slippery Staircase 1938
15 Black Beadle 1939
16 John Brown's Body 1939
17 Tryst for a Tragedy 1940
18 Death at Dyke's Corner 1940
19 Case in the Clinic 1941
20 Rope's End, Rogue's End 1942
21 The Sixteenth Stair 1942
22 Checkmate to Murder 1944
23 Fell Murder 1944
24 Murder by Matchlight 1945
25 Fire in the Thatch 1946
26 Relative to Poison 1947
27 Part for a Poisoner 1948
28 Death Before Dinner 1948
29 Policemen in the Precinct 1949
30 Still Waters 1949
31 Accident by Design 1951
32 Murder of a Martinet 1951
33 Murder in the Mill-Race 1952
34 The Dog It Was That Died 1952
35 Crook O'Lune 1953
36 Let Well Alone 1954
37 Shroud of Darkness 1954
38 Ask A Policeman 1955
39 Murder in Vienna 1956
40 Picture of Death 1957
41 Dangerous Domicile 1957
42 Murder On a Monument 1958
43 The Last Escape/Dishonour Among Thieves 1959
44 The Theft of the Iron Dogs 1960
45 The Devil and the C.I.D. 2012
46 Death Came Softly 2021
# Titel Jahr
1 The Burning Question 1957
2 Death in Triplicate 1958
3 Death of a Lady Killer 1959
4 Two-Way Murder 2021
British Library Crime Classics Books
# Titel Jahr
1 The Notting Hill Mystery 1862
2 The Female Detective 1864
3 The Poisoned Chocolates Case 1929
4 It Walks by Night 1930
5 The Secret of High Eldersham / The Mystery of High Eldersham 1930
6 Mystery in the Channel 1931
7 Castle Skull 1931
8 The Incredible Crime 1931
9 Murder of a Lady 1931
10 The Lost Gallows 1931
11 The Z Murders 1931
12 The Corpse in the Waxworks / The Waxworks Murder 1932
13 The Division Bell Mystery 1932
14 Portrait of a Murderer 1933
15 Death in Fancy Dress 1933
16 Family Matters 1933
17 The Hog's Back Mystery 1933
18 Murder Underground 1934
19 Scarweather 1934
20 Death of an Airman 1934
21 The Spy Paramount 1934
22 The 12.30 from Croydon 1934
23 The Chianti Flask 1934
24 The Lake District Murder 1935
25 Death on the Cherwell 1935
26 The Cornish Coast Murder 1935
27 The Traitor 1936
28 The Santa Klaus Murder 1936
29 The Sussex Downs Murder 1936
30 Death in the Tunnel / Dark in the Tunnel 1936
31 Mystery in White 1937
32 Bats in the Belfry 1937
33 The Cheltenham Square Murder 1937
34 Excellent Intentions 1938
35 Murder in the Museum 1938
36 Antidote to Venom 1938
37 Thirteen Guests 1938
38 The Port of London Murders 1938
39 The Arsenal Stadium Mystery 1939
40 Seven Dead 1939
41 Verdict of Twelve 1940
42 A Scream in Soho 1940
43 Death of a Busybody 1942
44 The Dead Shall be Raised & Murder of a Quack 1942
45 Somebody at the Door 1943
46 Murder's a Swine: A Second World War Mystery 1943
47 Checkmate to Murder 1944
48 Fell Murder 1944
49 Murder by Matchlight 1945
50 Trouble on the Thames 1945
51 Fire in the Thatch 1946
52 Death Makes a Prophet 1947
53 Smallbone Deceased 1950
54 Calamity in Kent 1950
55 Death Has Deep Roots 1951
56 The Danger Within / Death in Captivity 1952
57 Murder in the Mill-Race 1952
58 Crossed Skis 1952
59 Death on the Riviera 1952
60 The Colour Of Murder 1957
61 The Christmas Egg 1958
62 The Progress of a Crime 1960
63 The Spoilt Kill 1961
64 The Body in the Dumb River 1961
65 Due to a Death 1963
66 Surfeit of Suspects 1964
67 The Belting Inheritance 1965
68 The Last Best Friend 1967
69 The End of the Web 1976
70 Capital Crimes: London Mysteries 2015
71 Resorting to Murder 2015
72 Silent Nights 2015
73 Murder at the Manor 2016
74 Serpents in Eden 2016
75 Crimson Snow 2016
76 Foreign Bodies 2017
77 The Long Arm of the Law 2017
78 Miraculous Mysteries 2017
79 Continental Crimes 2017
80 Blood on the Tracks 2018
81 The Christmas Card Crime and Other Stories 2018
82 Golden Age of Detection Puzzle Book 2018
83 Deep Waters: Murder on the Waves 2019
84 The Measure of Malice 2019
85 Settling Scores: Sporting Mysteries 2020
86 A Surprise for Christmas and Other Seasonal Mysteries 2020
87 Two-Way Murder 2021
88 Guilty Creatures: A Menagerie of Mysteries 2021
E.C.R. Lorac Anthologies
# Titel Jahr
1 Capital Crimes: London Mysteries 2015
2 Resorting to Murder 2015
3 Silent Nights 2015
4 Murder at the Manor 2016
5 Serpents in Eden 2016
6 Crimson Snow 2016
7 Foreign Bodies 2017
8 The Long Arm of the Law 2017
9 Miraculous Mysteries 2017
10 Continental Crimes 2017
11 Blood on the Tracks 2018
12 The Christmas Card Crime and Other Stories 2018
13 The Measure of Malice 2019
14 Settling Scores: Sporting Mysteries 2020
15 A Surprise for Christmas and Other Seasonal Mysteries 2020
16 Guilty Creatures: A Menagerie of Mysteries 2021